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Mrs H Christopher (Head of Department)

KS3: YEARS 7-8




KS5: YEAR 12


For up to date information on KS4 and 5 courses, please see the Options Booklets

  • Key Stage 3

    At key stage 3 all pupils have ICT lessons.

    Year 7

    Term 1

    Stem Challenge and Introduction to Google Suite: Pupils will look at and use various resources of the Google platform whilst researching and producing various products for the Rugby World Cup.

    Our World: Pupils will use various pieces of software to solve various problems based around the idea of travelling to another planet. They will need to solve various problems in Minecraft and research, design and create the inside of a space station. They will investigate variables to find a solution to launch a rocket to a certain distance. They will learn to use a Caesar cipher to speak another language and work out a code using binary. They will also design a computer game with a rocket flying to a planet.

    Term 2

    Introduction to Hwb & Encyclopaedia Britannic.

    E-safety Project focusing making a cyberbullying quiz: Pupils will use Office 365 to plan, develop and evaluate an interactive quiz focusing on the question “What is cyberbullying?” and exploring issues and solutions to this.

    Quest for Adventure: Pupils will make a story in English and then make a text-based adventure game which will introduce logical thinking.

    Term 3

    HTML: Pupils will learn to write basic HTML commands to create a basic webpage.
    They will explore the difference between a text based language and a visual language.

    Multi-media: Pupils will plan, create and evaluate a Transition multi-media product which will see them using skills from English, Welsh, French/German.
    They will also develop video editing, animations and music editing skills and hopefully present it to a Transition audience.

    Microbits: Pupils will make a story in English and then make a text-based adventure game which will introduce logical thinking.

    Year 8

    Term 1

    • Collecting data and analysing in a database.
    • Analysing a hypothesis.
    • Developing programming skills using Visual Basic; Pupils create a series of exercises in Visual Basic and develop their programming terminology.
    • Looking at logical thinking through the use of flow charts.

    Term 2

    Creating a professional Film Poster using photo editing software.
    Designing and creating interactive games using Gamemaker and designing and editing images.

    Term 3

    Making a movie with a voice over for Internet Safety specifically within chat rooms.

    Year 9

    Term 1

    Gamemaker: Create interactive games with the use of programming concepts.

    Term 2

    • Produce an interactive quiz using suitable software based on Wales.
    • Create a shop system spreadsheet including higher order formulas and functions.

    Term 3

    • Develop knowledge of the misuse of the internet and other technologies
    • Develop communication skills by presenting work.
    • Developing Music Editing and the understanding the copyright implications.
    • Developing knowledge of video editing software and understanding of the copyright law.
    • Produce own assets (images to build video rather than using internet).
    • Design own game for Eisteddfod.

    Ways in which parents can help:

    • Talking to children about copyright issues.
    • Discuss with pupils what they are currently doing and check homework diary.
    • Encourage pupils to use Hwb+ and the resources on there.

    Useful websites:

    Useful books/magazines/publications:

    • Software specific books in library.

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