At our School literacy is at the heart of everything we do. The development of literacy skills across all curriculum areas is vital. Effective literacy across the curriculum will develop students’ ability to:
- Write for a variety of purposes and audiences
- Collect information, organise ideas, draft, edit and write accurately
- Access information and read fluently with understanding and comprehension
- Speak and listen effectively, present information and extend and clarify their ideas and thinking
- Confidence in literacy will also have an impact on their self- esteem, motivation and ability to work independently
All staff are wholly committed to engaging students in their learning and are innovative in their approach to promoting reading and writing.
We are here to support you, as parents and carers, when it comes to ensuring your child has the best start to their study. We know it can be challenging to encourage your child to engage with literacy-based intervention outside of school so we have put together some documents and interventions to help support and challenge each and every child at Porthcawl Comprehensive School.
Did you know?
- Less than half of 8 to 16 year olds have read a book in the last month.
- 49% of children and young adults think that reading is boring.
- Children who enjoy reading are 5 times more likely to be ‘above average’ in their Reading Assessment levels.
- 22% of children report that no one at home encourages them to read.
- 1 in 3 children do not own a book.
- 62% of boys do not enjoy writing and pupils at Key Stage 4 are the least likely to enjoy writing.
- Research shows that the average length of a student’s contribution to a class discussion is 4 words.