Porthcawl Comprehensive School / Ysgol Gyfun Porthcawl
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Our School Nurse


As a result of Welsh Government funding every comprehensive school now has access to a nurse who works within their school and the primary schools that are linked to them.

You may already know that we have a School Nurse at Porthcawl Comprehensive. The nurse is a degree qualified Specialist Community Public Health Nurse working in the School Health Nursing Service.

As a service we are based in the community but regularly visit our schools for everything from helping teachers to provide health education to delivering the vaccinations offered to pupils in year 8 and year 9.

Our role is to help ensure that children and young people are aware of the issues that affect their health and have the knowledge they need to make informed choices that will hopefully result in a long and healthy life. One way of doing this is by being available to allow them to talk to the nurse in an informal, but private setting that we call ‘drop in’ sessions. Children and young people attending can ask any questions they may have, the nurse will answer them honestly and advise them where they can get more advice, help and support with any problems and concerns they may have if necessary.

Children and young people do of course have the right to talk to someone confidentially, but please be assured that if a child tells us anything that causes us to be concerned about their behaviour and safety, or the safety of others, we will break this confidentiality to protect all involved. We will not however discuss what the child or young person has discussed with us with anyone else unless there is very good reason for doing so.

Although your child does not need to have your permission to call into a drop in session we believe it is very important that you know about these sessions because our advice to a pupil may be that they need to speak to their parents / carers about what is worrying them. We will be there to help them with this if they need it, we know that usually no one can replace parents / carers in making a child feel safe and secure but sometimes they may need a bit of moral support in approaching a subject.

The only things we will hand out in drop in sessions are appropriate leaflets on a child’s health if it supports the information the nurse is discussing with them. We will not routinely discuss with teachers who has come to see us or why, but will share information if it is in the child’s best interests.

The drop in sessions will take place at lunchtime and the day, time and venue will be advertised in the school daily bulletin (also on this website).

SchoolBeat.org is a bilingual site from the All-Wales School Liaison Core Programme, providing information and resources for teachers, pupils and parents to follow up on the lessons provided to primary and secondary school children by our School Community Police Officers.

The website focuses on the three main themes of the Programme: drug and substance misuse, social behaviour and community and personal safety.



Second only to clean drinking water, vaccinations are one of the most effective ways to protect the public against a variety of infectious diseases. The World Health Organisation estimates that 3 million lives are saved every year worldwide through immunisation. The vaccination programmes detailed below are offered in school by the School Nursing Service who will provide information to you prior to the programme being delivered, along with a consent form that will need to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the school. The School Nurse will also attend at school to speak to the pupils to ensure they are informed about the vaccination that they are due to receive.

  • HPV Vaccine – for pupils in year 8. For further information about this vaccine click here.
  • Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio (3 in 1 teenage booster) – for pupils in year 9. For further information about this vaccine click here.
  • MenACWY – for pupils in year 9 (given at the same time as the Tetanus, Diphtheria, Polio vaccination). For further information about this vaccine click here.

For information about other routine vaccinations click here.


Yn ail i ddwr yfed glân, brechiadau yw un o’r ffyrdd mwyaf effeithiol o amddiffyn y cyhoedd rhag amrywiaeth o glefydau heintus. Mae Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd yn amcangyfrif bod 3 miliwn o fywydau yn cael eu hachub ar draws y byd bob blwyddyn trwy imiwneiddio. Mae’r rhaglenni brechu a nodir isod yn cael eu cynnig yn yr ysgol gan y Gwasanaeth Nyrsio Mewn Ysgolion fydd yn rhoi gwybodaeth i chi cyn darparu’r rhaglen, ynghyd â ffurflen ganiatâd y bydd rhaid i riant/warcheidwad ei llofnodi a’i dychwelyd i’r ysgol. Bydd Nyrs yr Ysgol hefyd yn bresennol yn yr ysgol i siarad â’r disgyblion i sicrhau eu bod yn cael gwybod am y brechiad y maent i’w dderbyn.

  • Brechlyn HPV – i disgyblion ym mlwyddyn 8. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y brechlyn hwn, cliciwch yma.
  • Tetanws, Difftheria, Polio (pigiad atgyfnerthu 3 mewn 1 pobl ifanc yn eu harddegau) – i disgyblion ym mlwyddyn 9. I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y brechlyn hwn, cliciwch yma.
  • MenACWY – i disgyblion ym mlwyddyn 9 (a roddir ar yr un adeg â’r brechiad rhag Tetanws, Difftheria, Polio). I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y brechlyn hwn, cliciwch yma.

I gael gwybodaeth am frechiadau cyffredinol eraill, cliciwch yma.

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