Porthcawl Comprehensive School / Ysgol Gyfun Porthcawl
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Headteacher’s Welcome

Headteachers Welcome

I warmly welcome you to Porthcawl Comprehensive School.  I hope this website gives you a clear indication of our values and the wide-ranging opportunities available at our school.  We provide a caring and disciplined learning environment based on mutual respect in which all pupils develop their talents to the full.  High quality learning alongside excellent care support and guidance is at the heart of our school.

We pride ourselves on being a caring, disciplined, and happy school with a tradition of hard work and lots of extra-curricular activities.  Our curriculum is driven by clearly mapped concepts, core learning and skills.  Our curriculum vision underpins our work, and this has been created by both staff and pupils.

“A curriculum that provides all pupils with the knowledge, skills, experiences and desire to thrive in the adult world“

Learning is at the heart of everything we do.  There is something for everyone and we aim to ensure that pupils of all abilities and interests achieve their potential in a safe, supportive, and friendly environment.

In our vision the ‘desire to thrive’ is important to us, and we believe that this desire comes from within, and it governs our actions.  We believe our desire is built around three areas – Beliefs, Values and Characteristics.  We promote this across the school community – what we believe is important, what we value as important and what characterises us as a school.

We recognise how vitally important your child’s education is to succeed in an ever changing and challenging world.  You can be confident that your son/daughter will settle quickly, be well supported and cared for, and receive one of the best educational experiences in the local area and across Wales. Your child’s education at the school will be truly comprehensive in the best sense of the word with something for everyone at the school no matter their ability, interest, and aspirations.

Our school is pleasantly located some fifty metres from the sea.  The campus is large, pleasant, and attractive with outstanding facilities for study, sport, theatre arts, recreation, and a host of extra-curricular activities.  The school is a co-educational school with approximately 1250 pupils aged 11 to 18.  Approximately 140 staff are employed at the school and there are between 250-300 pupils in the Sixth Form.

We are very proud of our thriving Sixth Form.  It is a happy, vibrant, and exciting environment with a history of excellent academic success.  At Post 16 we regularly feature as one of the top ten performing state schools in Wales and we pride ourselves on the relationships our staff have with our pupils.  Our provision is second to none in terms of choice, quality of learning and pastoral support.  Our curriculum is broad and balanced, and we offer an exciting variety of courses.  Of course, Sixth Form is more than just qualifications.  Our aim is to provide rich opportunities and the very best learning environment for every pupil.  We want every pupil to reach their academic potential, build upon their skills for life, develop their independence and foster their sense of community.

I look forward to strong partnerships between parents, carers, and the school.  As you know this is particularly important in enabling children to achieve success and so I ask for your full support of school policies and for your continued proactive involvement in your child’s education.

We have the highest aspirations for all our pupils, we truly value every one of them.

Michael Stephens


NPQH, P Dip. Ed, BA (Hons)



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